Problem : In a party of N people, only one person is known to everyone. Such a person may be present in the party, if yes, (s)he doesn't know anyone in the party. We can only ask questions like “does A know B? Find the celebrity in minimum number of questions.
This is a very interesting problem. The answer, ie the least number of questions required, changes based on what's given. Are we guaranteed there's one celebrity in the party? Does every non-celeb know every other non-celeb? ( not very ideal, but under a best case scenario. )
Once again, the rules
- There is at most one celebrity at the party
- Everyone knows the celebrity.
- The celebrity knows no one.
- We can only ask the question "Does A know B?"
When we ask the question, we can get a "yes" or "no". Each conveying information about both the participants in the question. Let's see those outcomes...
If the Answer is "Yes", we know A is definitely not a celebrity. But B is a candidate for a celebrity.
If the Answer is "No", we know both A and B are both candidates or both are Non-Celebrities.
Turns out, we can do this in linear time. We love those kinds, don't we?
Here we simply assume the first guy is a celeb. Each time you will ask a question
Does my assumed-celeb know the current-guy ?There are two outcomes,
- If the answer is "Yes", we know our assumption was wrong,we can eliminate our assumption. But the next-guy could be a celeb. So we make him our new assumption.
- If the answer is "No", our assumption is holding strong, we can safely eliminate the current-guy.
Evidently, every time you ask the question, one guy gets eliminated from candidacy. So we'll need to ask (n - 1) questions to get one strong candidate.
At this point, if we were assured there was one celeb we can end the algorithm here. If there's a possibility, there was no celebrity, we'll have to perform one more scan to eliminate the end guy as well.
Theoretically, that's (n - 1) questions. So we need to ask a minimum of 2(n-1) questions to figure out the celebrity. I'll attempt to prove the lower bound some other time, will be handy for my Algorithm class.
Lovely question, Thanks to CodeBunk for posting it.
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