Given an Array A[1..n] of distinct integers find out how many instances are there where A[i] > A[j] where i < j. Such instances can be called Inversions.
Say, [100,20,10,30]
the inversions are (100,20), (100, 10), (100,30), (20,10) and the count is of
course 4
The question appears
as an exercise in the Chapter 4 of Introduction
to Algorithms. (3rd Edition)
So the complexity of the algorithm is O(n^2). We can do this even faster using divide and conquer, more aptly if we use a variation of Merge Sort. To do this, unfortunately, we will have to mutate the array.
The key to the
algorithm is to understand that in an ascending sorted array the inversion
count is zero. Say [10,20,30]
If we perhaps have
an element 100 before the rest of the array, the inversion count becomes 3.
[100,10,20,30]. If we placed the 100 at the second position the inversion count
would be 2, [10,100,20,30].
So here's what we're
going to do, we write a recursive function which returns inversion count. The
function first recursively does it for the first half and second half of the
array, the byproduct of these recursive calls is that both half's become sorted.
(Just like Merge Sort!) Now if you have two sorted Arrays which should be
merged into one, we can piggy back on the merging process (of merge sort!) and
count the inversions by merely counting the number of times an element from the
first half was greater than the element in the second half.
An example, for
those who found my explanation confusing.
Say, at some point
of the recursion, we have the following
First half :
[20,40,60,80] , Second half : [10,30,50,70]
If you recall the
merge subroutine, we first compare 20 and 10, since 20 > 10, that counts as
an inversion. But also note, since the first half is sorted therefore it is
guaranteed that [20, 40, 60, 80] will
all be greater than 10. Since 20 had to be the minimum element of the first
half. Therefore the inversion count for 10 in this instance becomes 4 (size of
the unexplored first half). Important to note, this algorithm only works if the
integers are all distinct.
Speaking generally,
let's say i is the index for first half, j is the index for the second. Aux is
the auxillary array to store the result. Then,
If A[i] > A[j] then // implies A[j] < A[i…mid]
invCount = mid - i + 1
Aux[k++] = A[j++]
Aux[k++] = A[i++]
End If
Now for the code,
notice it's uncanny resemblance to merge sort.
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