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Showing posts from 2015

QuickSelect - Medium

Problem : Given an unsorted array, find the kth smallest element. The problem is called the Selection problem . It's been intensively studied and has a couple of very interesting algorithms that do the job. I'll be  describing an algorithm called QuickSelect . The algorithm derives its name from QuickSort. You will probably recognise that most of the code directly borrows from QuickSort. The only difference being there is a single recursive call rather than 2 in QuickSort. The naive solution is obvious, simply sort the array `O(nlogn)` and return the kth element. Infact, you can partially sort it and use the Selection sort to get the solution in `O(nk)` An interesting side effect of finding the kth smallest element is you end up finding the k smallest elements. This also effectively gives you (n - k) largest elements in the array as well. These elements are not in any particular order though. The version I'm using uses a random pivot selection, this part of the al...